Versatile Solutions to Economically and Effectively Remove PFAS.

PFAS Free River Water

Superior Performance.

FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent excels where other adsorbents fall short. It consistently captures and binds across a full range of PFAS compounds, including PFOA, PFOS, PFBS, PFHxS, PFNA, and GenX. The presence of co-contaminants such as BTEX, TCE, hydrocarbons (diesel), natural organic matter, salinity, and varying pH levels have little impact on performance.

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Versatile In Deployment.

FLUORO-SORB adsorbent can easily fit into existing remediation efforts. It can be used as a flow-through filtration media, in a permeable reactive barrier, in situ stabilization, soil solidification, and sediment capping.

Water Applications Include:
Municipal Drinking Water, Municipal Wastewater, In Situ and Ex Situ Groundwater, Industrial Wastewater, Stormwater, and Landfill Leachate.

Soil Applications Include:
In Situ and Ex Situ Soil Stabilization, Subsurface Injection, and Sediment Capping.

FLUORO-SORB Deployment Strategies

Deployment Options.

Flow-through filtration media

FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent’s fast kinetics allow it to be used as a flow-through filtration media for water treatment with an Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT) as low as three minutes. It can be used on its own or as pre- or post-treatment in connection with existing water treatment trains. By incorporating FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent, filtration system life is extended by a reduction in the number of changeouts required. This results in a positive impact on your operational costs and lower disposal costs for spent media. FLUORO-SORB adsorbent is certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 for drinking water treatment. CETCO’s engineering team can assist with system considerations and bed life estimates.

Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB)

A Permeable Reactive Barrier designed with FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent is a passive in situ groundwater treatment method to remove PFAS contamination and protect downgradient sensitive receptors. FLUORO-SORB® P and FLUORO-SORB® 100 adsorbents feature a grain size and properties that allow them to be deployed via direct push injection. All other FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent grain sizes are deployed via traditional soil mixing techniques. CETCO’s engineering team can assist with FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent dosing considerations based on groundwater velocity, PFAS concentrations, and target remedial goals.

Sediment cap

Sediment capping with FLUORO-SORB adsorbent sequesters PFAS contamination and prevents off-site migration via surface and stormwater. Bulk FLUORO-SORB adsorbent can be mixed with aggregate, loaded into gabion baskets, or added to a REACTIVE CORE MAT® (RCM) composite geotextile mat. Advantages of REACTIVE CORE MAT with FLUORO-SORB include rapid cost-effective deployment over large areas, a known quantity of active media on every square foot of area treated, and lower overall cost of remedy.

In Situ Stabilization and Solidification (ISS)

Passive in situ treatment of PFAS-impacted source areas with FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent arrest PFAS plume migration. FLUORO-SORB® P and FLUORO-SORB® 100 adsorbents can be deployed via direct push injection as well as traditional soil mixing techniques: bucket mixing, pugmill mixing, and hollow stem auger deployment. Treatability studies show that FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent dosing as low as 0.5% can successfully reduce leaching from source areas. CETCO’s engineering team can assist with dosage considerations.

FLUORO-SORB® Adsorbent Options.

FLUORO-SORB adsorbent is available in 2,000 lb (907.2 kg) super sacks and 50 lb bags (22.7 kg).

Fluoro-Sorb P
FLUORO-SORB® P Adsorbent

Subsurface Direct Push Injection, In Situ Solidification & Stabilization (ISS), Additive for Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF), and Clarifier applications.

Fluoro-Sorb 100
FLUORO-SORB® 100 Adsorbent

Subsurface Direct Push Injection, In Situ Solidification & Stabilization (ISS), Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB).

Fluoro-Sorb 200
FLUORO-SORB® 200 Adsorbent

Pump & Treat, Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB).

Fluoro-Sorb 300
FLUORO-SORB® 300 Adsorbent

High Organics Wastewater Treatment.

Fluoro-Sorb 400
FLUORO-SORB® 400 Adsorbent

Pump & Treat, Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB), Sediment Capping, Surface Water Treatment, Gravity Filtration.

Fluoro-Sorb 600
FLUORO-SORB® 600 Adsorbent

Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB), Surface Water Treatment, Gravity Filtration.

Reactive Core Mat
Reactive Core Mat With FLUORO-SORB® Adsorbent

Sediment Capping and Stormwater Treatment.


FLUORO-SORB® adsorbent is commercially available today. Manufactured in our ISO9001:2015 certified production facility in the United States, FLUORO-SORB adsorbent has been vetted by leading research universities as well as numerous field pilot studies to be a highly effective treatment media. FLUORO-SORB adsorbent has now been installed in various full-scale applications. All FLUORO-SORB adsorbent products are NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61 certified.

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